Polywet Drive
POLYWET DRIVE is a high quality thatch and soil penetrant surfactant blend, specifically designed to quickly and efficiently move water away from the foliage and thatch and into the growing medium.
POLYWET DRIVE is economical and ideal for injection into irrigation systems or application via boom spray for large area usage.
Application Rate: 2 - 5L/HA (Injected) 5L/HA (Sprayed) in 600 - 1000L/HA Water

Polywet Hold
POLYWET HOLD is a long-term surfactant that gives you guaranteed safe protection against water repellency problems and promotes turf uniformity for up to 60 days.
POLYWET HOLD is a 100% non-ionic, residual surfactant formulation for long term prevention of localised dry spot occurrence.
Application Rate: 20 - 40L/HA in 600 - 1000L/HA Water

Polywet Fairway Flush
POLYWET FLUSH is a superior penetrant designed to move excess water through the soil profile. The added benefit of humic acid aids the ability to unlock nutrients in the soil making them available for immediate plant uptake.
Application Rate: 1.5 - 2L/HA in 750 - 1000L/HA Water

Floratine Pervade
Pervade is a superior soil penetrant designed to quickly move water through the soil profile, allowing oxygen to move in. It promotes longer-lasting moisture penetration than traditional alcohol- and soap-based wetting agents.
Pervade is 100% biodegradable, non-burning and compatible with treated water supplies.
Application Rate: 2.5 - 5L/HA

HydroForce CalWet
CalWet is a dual-purpose product and unique in that the granular carrier itself is Gypsum, which is ideal for reducing sodium accumulation in turf soils. The addition of the soil surfactant to the Gypsum granule greatly assists in the coverage, penetration, and downward water movement within the soil environment. By creating improved flow of water, CalWet improves leaching performance, more effectively displacing sodium and removing it from the rootzone region.
Application Rate: 300 - 1000KG/HA